President Support
2023 Dialog at Powell University House (2/17/23)
University Leadership Transition → Dialogs with President Sasse
Due Open Deliverables
01-13-2023  / 1
Project Lead Project Team
David Houder not assigned
Sponsor Information
Special Events & EngagementJaclyn O'BrianDirector of Special Events & Engagement
Project Description
We received confirmation from Tom yesterday to move forward planning a February 17th “PLT” event and would like to request an invitation image to be designed. This is the first of the event series formally known as the PLT with President Sasse in attendance. Attendees will be about 10-20 local PG level donors together with a small group of UF & UFA leadership. I’ve cc’d Nicole and Dave who are aware of the look/feel style requested by Tom & company for these events. What we “know”: Exact language TBD: A Dialogue with President Sasse… Friday, February 17, 2022 Time: TBD (evening) Location: Powell University House Attire: Business Parking: See parking attendant upon arrival Would it be possible to put something together by Monday for me to share with Maria in my 1pm meeting with her? We are looking at a target date of Friday 1/13 for dropping the invitation via Paperless Post. Dave, I’m thinking we only include the Date/Time/Location on the invite image & mention attire & parking information within the text of the email. Open to your thoughts as well.
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Created on Jan.  5, 2023 at  4:07 PM (EST). Last updated by Jason Phenicie on Jan. 12, 2023 at  4:23 PM (EST). Owned by Phenicie, Jason.
Jason Phenicie
Jason Phenicie
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When you bring additional fields into a conversion, Quickbase often finds inconsistencies. For example, say you're converting your Companies column into its own table. One company, Acme Corporation, has offices in New York, Dallas and Portland. So, when you add the City column to the conversion, Quickbase finds three different locations for Acme. A single value in the column you're converting can only match one value in any additional field. Quickbase needs you to clean up the extra cities before it can create your new table. To do so, you have one of two choices:

  • If you want to create three separate Acme records (Acme-New York, Acme-Dallas and Acme-Portland) click the Conform link at the top of the column.
  • If the dissimilar entries are mistakes (say Acme only has one office in New York and the other locations are data-entry errors) go back into your table and correct the inconsistencies—in this case, changing all locations to New York. Then try the conversion again.

Read more about converting a column into a table.

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