-- [SEP-08-21 Jason Phenicie] -------------- New file added -- [SEP-27-21 Monica Vosilla] --------------

Hi Claire,

The landing page and the form are ready for 2021 . Please let me know if there are any updates needed.

The vanity URL that Jason set up is uff.to/ggd. 


-- [SEP-29-21 Anonymous] --------------

Hello Monica,

Thank you for sharing! This is looking great! One thing to note and some changes: 

  • Rob is working on an updated header for the site. He will not have this ready until after he returns from vacation (10/13). 
  • Confirmation Page: 
    • Facebook share, Twitter share and Email share messages need to be updated. The website link on all three is currently last year's short link and the language is incorrect - please see the file for the updated language.

Let me know if you have any questions. :) Thanks! Claire 

-- [OCT-01-21 Monica Vosilla] --------------

Thanks, Claire. I'll get those confirmation messages fixed in the meantime. 


-- [OCT-11-21 Jason Phenicie] -------------- New file added -- [OCT-20-21 Anonymous] --------------

Hello Monica, 

Here is the link to the web header: https://ufodaa.box.com/s/4bshgrra3n1qyveh6if2ugqp02h5abgi

Please use the one called GGD_2021_WebHeader_R2. Rob had created another one but this will be the only one we will need for the duration of the website. 




-- [OCT-20-21 Monica Vosilla] --------------

Hi Claire,

The header is up and ready for review. Because of how the hero image displays, a bit of the top and bottom are cut off. I resized several times to see if that would help the image, but no luck. It's very minor.

The headline and call out background colors are updated to match. Let me know what you think! -Monica 

-- [OCT-21-21 Rachel Smith] --------------

Hi Monica, Claire is out today, but she and Lindsey asked me to follow-up. The cut off letters appear pretty minor on my screen, but they are significantly cut off on Lindsey's and the end of "Grateful" is cut off on mobile. We normally wouldn't worry too much about it, but this year we are asking National Board members to submit notes, so the site will have more visibility. Do you think if we asked Rob to make a more simple graphic with just the gator icon it would help? Or perhaps we could reuse last year's header but ask him to replace the image of the T-shirt. Wanted your thoughts on whether these changes would make a difference before I ask Rob to go through any effort. 

Thanks, Rachel

-- [OCT-21-21 Monica Vosilla] --------------

Good morning, Rachel-- 

Thanks for reaching out so quickly. If Rob were to reduce the size of the text so that it's not so  close to the edges of the header, I think it'll look fine. Last year's header had a small copy block right in the midde and nothing was cut off. 


-- [OCT-22-21 Monica Vosilla] -------------- Header updated to address text cut off; form instructions modified for mobile rendering. -Monica  -- [OCT-22-21 Rachel Smith] -------------- The changes look good. If Jason doesn't know of a way to adjust the formatting for mobile, then this is fine. -- [OCT-25-21 Monica Vosilla] -------------- Hi Rachel, Jason and I chatted about the form this afternoon. The only other solution beside reduce the instruction text is to place all instructions at the top of the form. I'm not sure that makes sense as there are multiple segments. Let me know what you think and we'll get this finalized. Thanks! -Monica  -- [OCT-26-21 Rachel Smith] -------------- Agreed. Let's leave as is and possibly look at reformating next year.  -- [OCT-26-21 Rachel Smith] -------------- Is it possible to make entering an address optional? We are asking PDRAC members to submit notes and wanted an easy way for them to opt out of receiving the sticker packs. -- [OCT-27-21 Monica Vosilla] -------------- Good morning, there is now an "opt in" question for the sticker pack. If "yes," then the mailing address fields populate. Let me know what you think. Thanks!  -- [NOV-08-21 Rachel Smith] -------------- Please close form today, 11/8/21. Thank you!
File Type
Grateful Gator Day Online Submission Content - Approved.docx Body File  
Grateful Gator Day Online Submission Content - Approved.docx Body File  
Grateful Gator Day Online Submission Content - Approved - Changes 10-7.docx Body File Hello Monica,

Attached are some additional changes to add a volunteer option so we can advertise this page to our PDRAC committee. Please let me know if you have any questions or if anything isn't clear. Thanks! Claire
Created on Sept.  2, 2021 at  9:38 AM (EDT). Last updated by Smith, Rachel on Nov.  8, 2021 at  8:28 AM (EST). Owned by Anonymous.
Rachel Smith
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When you bring additional fields into a conversion, Quickbase often finds inconsistencies. For example, say you're converting your Companies column into its own table. One company, Acme Corporation, has offices in New York, Dallas and Portland. So, when you add the City column to the conversion, Quickbase finds three different locations for Acme. A single value in the column you're converting can only match one value in any additional field. Quickbase needs you to clean up the extra cities before it can create your new table. To do so, you have one of two choices:

  • If you want to create three separate Acme records (Acme-New York, Acme-Dallas and Acme-Portland) click the Conform link at the top of the column.
  • If the dissimilar entries are mistakes (say Acme only has one office in New York and the other locations are data-entry errors) go back into your table and correct the inconsistencies—in this case, changing all locations to New York. Then try the conversion again.

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